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How to prepare for your custody or parenting time consultation
Congratulations! You've taken the first hard step in finding out what your legal options are for custody and parenting time! While going...

How to prepare for an appointment with an attorney
While it isn't required, each of the articles below has general information about what to expect at your appointment time and what...

What is pre-marital property?
Pre-marital property comes up often in divorce cases, but what is it? Pre-marital property are assets that are purchased or received...

Uncontested Divorce in Michigan
What if we agree on divorce?

Can a Notary make a Parenting Agreement Legal?
I am often confronted by parties that want an agreement notarized with the expectation that a notary somehow legalizes a document. It's...

Can my child talk to the Judge?
Can a kid tell the Judge who they want to live with?

Can a spouse get military benefits in a divorce? The 10/10 Rule
The "10/10" rule in military divorces

Can I charge my spouse with adultery in Michigan?
Felony adultery in Michigan, is it a crime?

Is all property in a divorce created equal?
On the surface, the value of some properties may seem the same when trying to divide them in a divorce, however, the value of a property...

Legal Separation in Michigan
I am often asked by clients about "legal separation". Michigan does not have a status of "legal separation", even though this is a term...

How do I serve someone? Service Options
This post is intended as a general guideline for clients about options to serve parties with an initial complaint in the Circuit Court,...

What is a pretrial conference?
A pretrial conference, sometimes also called a "pretrial hearing" or a "scheduling conference" is a scheduling meeting, usually between...

Holiday Parenting Time Schedule for Child Custody Cases
Holiday schedules for separated parents

Abandonment in Michigan
What if you abandon your kids or the house?

What is parental kidnapping in Michigan?
Is it kidnapping?

Can I Waive Child Support in Michigan?
Do you have to have child support ordered?

Who can provide childcare after divorce or separation?
Who decides childcare after divorce or separation in child custody matters?

How is Child Support Calculated in Michigan?
How is Child Support calculated in Michigan?

What happens if you leave your ex-spouse as a beneficiary after divorce?
Life insurance, 401k beneficiaries after divorce
“We are a debt-relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code”.
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