902 S Westnedge Ave
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
(269) 381-4471
Estate Planning Attorneys in Kalamazoo, MI

We know how important it is to have a plan in place to protect your assets and your family after your passing. In order to ensure that your wishes are effectively carried out, it is best to enlist the services of a competent estate planning attorney. Kalamazoo-based law firm Stancati, Hencken & Greenlee, P.C. offers the residents of Southwest Michigan the legal resources they need to see their interests protected. Our experienced team of lawyers is well-versed in the particularities of estate law. We can use our expertise to help our clients prepare wills and living wills, trusts, powers of attorney, deeds, and tax plans.
Wills and Living Wills
When a person passes with the protection of a will, their assets are distributed as an intestate, according to the statute of distribution. A will can divide your assets based on predetermined criteria either at the time of death or distribute them over a designated period of time. Living wills, or medical power, grant someone the right to make medical decisions for you in the event that you are not of sound body or mind. Our attorneys can help navigate you through the process of creating a will or living will. During difficult times, these documents could help reduce any ambiguities and ensure your
final wishes are respected.
Trusts are primarily created to control property and avoid Probate Court after a death. Made during the lifetime of an individual, a trust provides flexibility when deciding how to handle assets and money after death. Either funded or unfunded, each trust is managed by a trustee who ensures all assets are passed along to heirs as dictated by the document.
Durable Powers of Attorney
Durable Powers of Attorney transfer the power to manage one person's assets and liabilities when the other party is deemed unable to handle them. If a person becomes ill without this document, then family and friends will not have access to assets or the legal authority to make crucial health decisions. A Durable Power of Attorney lasts only until death or revoked.
Probate Court
After a death, the probate court deals with all contested aspects of estate administration. In probate court, matters related to property, guardianships, conservatorships, the validity of the will, and distributing remaining assets can all be addressed. This process is known for being long, but it eliminates lingering questions over the value of assets or the validity of documentation.
Estate Planning Services
With the help of our attorneys, you can make sure your loved ones remain secure by establishing legacies. For this reason, we recommend clients who have a family or are intending to start one be especially diligent about drawing up an effective estate plan. It is also important to keep it updated after going through a major life change, such as a divorce.
We can help you create a comprehensive plan. When you need a skilled estate planner, you can rely on Stancati, Hencken & Greenlee, P.C.. Call us today to find out more about establishing your legacy or browse our website to learn more about our legal services.